Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Silver Phoenix

Today, as well as being 'Teaser Tuesday' for Absolute Write's Purgies, also marks the release of 'The Silver Phoenix', the debut novel of Cindy Pon. My copy is waiting to be read; it will be the first book I've read since I started writing again last July. It's high time I took a break and Cindy's book will be the perfect "break book".

Cindy first posted the 'Purgatory' thread on the Absolutewrite Forum on April 30th last year when 'Silver Phoenix' was out on sub. It seems serendipitous that her book should be released this week. Since then, the Purgatory thread has become a haven for those of us in literary limbo: Waiting for agents to fall in love with our words; waiting for feedback on revisions; waiting for editors to say "yes"; waiting for Publishers to say "Yes, please", etc. etc.

It gives me great pleasure to post this trailer. It's gorgeous. If you want to visit Cindy's brilliant blog, here's the link: http://cindypon.com/2009/silver-phoenix-set-free/


Good luck, Cindy. You really deserve this day.

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